# Best Practice

Best practice flow

# Step1: City-Level Search/Hotel List Search/Destination Search/Cache Rate

  • DestinationPriceSearch: Returns the lowest price for each hotel for the requested city code;
  • MultiHotelSearch: Supports searching a list of hotel IDs, returning all available rate plans for the given hotel list. This function can handle a maximum of 50 hotels per request and it's recommended to set "IsRealTime = False" to receive cached rates.

# Step2: Hotel-Level Search/Single Hotel Search/Hotel Detail Page

  • RealTimeHotelSearch: Provides a more accurate rate plan list for a specific hotel. At this step, it's recommended to set "IsRealTime = True" to receive Dida's real-time rates.

# Step3: Rateplan-Level Search/Hotel Room Type Level Search/Price Confirmation Page

  • PriceConfirm: Delivers the most current price and availability for the requested rate plan.

# Step4: Booking Creation/Booking Request/Make a Booking

  • Booking Creation: Used to send a booking request to create a booking.

# Step5: Booking Status Check (Optional)

  • SearchBooking: Useful if you're unsure whether the booking was successfully created on our side. This function checks the most current data of the booking.